Results for 'Elena Sophia Doll'

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  1.  61
    How do parents decide on genetic testing in pediatrics? A systematic review.Elena Sophia Doll, Seraina Petra Lerch, Katja Maria Schmalenberger, Karla Alex, Stefan Kölker, Heiko Brennenstuhl, Stacey Pereira, Hadley Smith, Eva C. Winkler, Julia Mahal & Beate Ditzen - forthcoming - Genetics in Medicine.
    Purpose This systematic review aims to identify factors that influence parents’ decisions regarding pediatric diagnostic and predictive genetic testing (DT/PT). Factors are integrated into a conceptual model of decision-making. Implications for genetic counseling, research, and ethics are derived. Methods PubMed, PsychInfo, WebofScience and references of related reviews were searched for original publications between 2000 and 2023. Extracted factors were categorized into an existing model. Results Of 5843 publications, 56 met inclusion criteria. The included studies differentiate between DT, traditional, and expanded (...)
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    General and Specific Dimensions of Mood Symptoms Are Associated With Impairments in Common Executive Function in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.Elena C. Peterson, Hannah R. Snyder, Chiara Neilson, Benjamin M. Rosenberg, Christina M. Hough, Christina F. Sandman, Leoneh Ohanian, Samantha Garcia, Juliana Kotz, Jamie Finegan, Caitlin A. Ryan, Abena Gyimah, Sophia Sileo, David J. Miklowitz, Naomi P. Friedman & Roselinde H. Kaiser - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Both unipolar and bipolar depression have been linked with impairments in executive functioning. In particular, mood symptom severity is associated with differences in common EF, a latent measure of general EF abilities. The relationship between mood disorders and EF is particularly salient in adolescence and young adulthood when the ongoing development of EF intersects with a higher risk of mood disorder onset. However, it remains unclear if common EF impairments have associations with specific symptom dimensions of mood pathology such as (...)
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    Moral Agency, Rules, and Temporality in People Who Are Diagnosed With Mild Forms of Autism: In Defense of a Sentimentalist View.Sara Coelho, Sophia Marlene Bonatti, Elena Doering, Asena Paskaleva-Yankova & Achim Stephan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The origin of moral agency is a much-debated issue. While rationalists or Kantians have argued that moral agency is rooted in reason, sentimentalists or Humeans have ascribed its origin to empathic feelings. This debate between rationalists and sentimentalists still stands with respect to persons with mental disorders, such as individuals diagnosed with mild forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, without intellectual impairment. Individuals with ASD are typically regarded as moral agents, however their ability for empathy remains debated. The goal of this (...)
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  4. La funzione strutturale dell'idea di "sophia" nella dialettica platonica.Elena Margaritou Andrianessi - 2012 - Filosofia Oggi 35 (139):309-312.
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    Book Review: Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, Revolutionary. [REVIEW]Elena Borghi - 2016 - Feminist Review 114 (1):143-145.
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  6. La funzione strutturale dell'idea Della Sophia nella dialettica platonica.Elena Margaritou-Andrianessi - 2012 - Filosofia Oggi 35 (3-4):309-311.
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    Faith Assimilated to Perception: the Embodied Perspective.Elena Kalmykova - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):1-19.
    In this paper, I consider how the embodied approach can be applied to religious faith, and possibly other kinds of faith. I start with the reformed epistemologists’ idea that religious faith is similar to sense perception, and I argue that we can elaborate this idea by taking into account our capability perceptually to grasp what is not accessible by senses—the ‘presence in absence’ or, as I call it, perceptual faith. As perception necessarily involves not only a mental but also an (...)
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    Propuesta psicoeducativa sobre competencias emocionales en jóvenes universitarios.Cristina Michelle Rojas Cadena, Arianna Melissa Ruiz Silva & Elena Díaz-Mosquera - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 36:169-197.
    Varios estudios han reportado una asociación entre competencias emocionales y logros académicos en educación superior, y sobre la importancia de implementar estrategias para que los jóvenes afronten las demandas educativas. En esta línea, el objetivo del presente estudio consistió en explorar las características de la competencia de regulación emocional que inciden en el rendimiento académico de un grupo de jóvenes universitarios, con la finalidad de diseñar una propuesta psicoeducativa orientada a fortalecer la autogestión emocional de esta población. Para ello, se (...)
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    Induction and Analogy in Applied Ethicsin Socio-Educational Projects.María Teresa Yurén Camarena, Elena Rodríguez Roa & Miriam de la Cruz Reyes - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:137-161.
    El presente trabajo busca las ventajas de articular la inducción y la analogía con las éticas aplicadas en proyectos socioeducativos. La revisión de artículos muestra que en los proyectos sociales predominan las éticas principialistas, a las que subyace una lógica deductiva, pero algunosestudios revelan éticas aplicadas de corte dialógico y crítico estructuradas con la inducción y la analogía. Se examinan posiciones teóricas sobre el estatuto de las éticas aplicadas, confirmando quela inducción y la analogía están presentes, tanto en la casuística (...)
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    Two-year-old children's production of multiword utterances: A usage-based analysis.Elena Lieven, Dorothé Salomo & Michael Tomasello - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (3).
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    How Schools Affect Student Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Approach in 35 OECD Countries.Elena Govorova, Isabel Benítez & José Muñiz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A common approach for measuring the effectiveness of an education system or a school is the estimation of the impact that school interventions have on students’ academic performance. However, the latest trends aim to extend the focus beyond students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills, and to consider aspects such as well-being in the academic context. For this reason, the 2015 edition of the international assessment system PISA incorporated a new tool aimed at evaluating the socio-affective variables related to the well-being (...)
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  12.  52
    The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Financial Performance: Evidence from the GCC Islamic Banking Sector.Elena Platonova, Mehmet Asutay, Rob Dixon & Sabri Mohammad - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):451-471.
    This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance for Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council region over the period 2000–2014 by generating CSR-related data through disclosure analysis of the annual reports of the sampled banks. The findings of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the financial performance of Islamic banks in the GCC countries. The results also show a positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the future financial (...)
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  13.  66
    What Emotions Motivate Care?Elena Pulcini - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (1):64-71.
    The importance of emotions is supported by many authors of the ethics of care in contrast to the rationalistic paradigm of justice. However, the reference to the emotions remains generic. By focusing on three paradigmatic typologies (care out of love, care work, and care of the distant other), I propose to investigate this aspect further, and distinguish between the different emotions that motivate care (such as love, compassion, and generosity). I will try, first, to offer a reflection on which emotions (...)
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    Ibn Sīnā, “Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ 6–10”.Elena Comay del Junco - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1):64-85.
    This is the first English translation of Ibn Sīnā's (Avicenna) Commentary on Chapters 6-10 of Aristotle's Metaphysics Λ. It is significant as it is one of only a small number of surviving commentaries by Ibn Sīnā and offers crucial insights into not only his attitudes towards his predecessors, but also his own philosophical positions — especially with regard to the human intellect's connections to God and the cosmos — and his attempt to develop a distinctive mode of commentary.
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  15. Mental health, normativity, and local knowledge in global perspective.Elena Popa - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84 (C):101334.
    Approaching mental health on a global scale with particular reference to low- and mid-income countries raises issues concerning the disregard of the local context and values and the imposition of values characteristic of the Global North. Seeking a philosophical viewpoint to surmount these problems, the present paper argues for a value-laden framework for psychiatry with the specific incorporation of value pluralism, particularly in relation to the Global South context, while also emphasizing personal values such as the choice of treatment. In (...)
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  16. Dialectic and Dialetheism.Elena Ficara - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (1):35-52.
    In this article, I consider the possibility of interpreting Hegel’s dialectic as dialetheism. After a first basic recapitulation about the meaning of the words ‘dialetheism’ and ‘dialectic’ and a consideration of Priest’s own account of the relation between dialectical and dialetheic logic in 1989, I discuss some controversial issues, not directly considered by Priest. As a matter of fact, the reflection on paraconsistent logics and dialetheism has enormously grown in recent years. In addition, the reception of Hegel’s logic and metaphysics (...)
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  17.  13
    Abortion in Italy: Forty Years On.Elena Caruso - 2020 - Feminist Legal Studies 28 (1):87-96.
    This comment considers the Italian Law 194 on abortion forty years after its approval in 1978 and it focuses on how its meaning has emerged as a result of its interpretation and application over that forty-year period.
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    Scientific Methodology: A View from Early String Theory.Elena Castellani - unknown
    This paper addresses the question as to whether the methodology followed in building/assessing string theory can be considered scientific in the same sense, say, that the methodology followed in building/assessing the Standard Model of particle physics is scientific, by focussing on the "founding" period of the theory. More precisely, its aim is to argue for a positive answer to the above question – there is no real change of scientific status in the way of proceeding and reasoning in fundamental physical (...)
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  19.  44
    Can words heal? Using affect labeling to reduce the effects of unpleasant cues on symptom reporting.Elena Constantinou, Maaike Van Den Houte, Katleen Bogaerts, Ilse Van Diest & Omer Van den Bergh - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    NIH Peer Review: Criterion Scores Completely Account for Racial Disparities in Overall Impact Scores.Elena A. Erosheva, Sheridan Grant, Mei-Ching Chen, Mark D. Lindner, Richard K. Nakamura & Carole J. Lee - 2020 - Science Advances 6 (23):DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4868.
    Previous research has found that funding disparities are driven by applications’ final impact scores and that only a portion of the black/white funding gap can be explained by bibliometrics and topic choice. Using National Institutes of Health R01 applications for council years 2014–2016, we examine assigned reviewers’ preliminary overall impact and criterion scores to evaluate whether racial disparities in impact scores can be explained by application and applicant characteristics. We hypothesize that differences in commensuration—the process of combining criterion scores into (...)
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    Aberrant Intrinsic Connectivity of Hippocampus and Amygdala Overlap in the Fronto-Insular and Dorsomedial-Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depressive Disorder.Masoud Tahmasian, David C. Knight, Andrei Manoliu, Dirk Schwerthöffer, Martin Scherr, Chun Meng, Junming Shao, Henning Peters, Anselm Doll, Habibolah Khazaie, Alexander Drzezga, Josef Bäuml, Claus Zimmer, Hans Förstl, Afra M. Wohlschläger, Valentin Riedl & Christian Sorg - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  22. Contradictions: Logic, History, Actuality.Elena Ficara (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The papers in this volume present some of the most recent results of the work about contradictions in philosophical logic and metaphysics; examine the history of contradiction in crucial phases of philosophical thought; consider the relevance of contradictions for political and philosophical actuality. From this consideration a common question emerges: the question of the irreducibility, reality and productive force of (some) contradictions.
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    The effect of media populism on racist discourse in New Zealand.Elena Maydell, Keith Tuffin & Eleanor Brittain - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (3):309-325.
    ABSTRACT While populism is commonly considered antagonistic to democratic liberalism, recent research demonstrates how populist rhetoric may highjack traditional liberal discourses and opportunistically refashion them against the plight of minorities. Drawing on the concept of media populism, this research investigates how notions of ‘democracy’ and ‘equality’ were contested in debates on racism in New Zealand regional newspaper, The Taranaki Daily News, and further deployed to promote a populist agenda, against the representation of the Indigenous minority, Māori, in the local government. (...)
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  24. Hegel's Glutty Negation.Elena Ficara - 2015 - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 (1):29-38.
    Some authors have claimed that Hegel's ‘determinate negation’ should be distinguished from ‘logical’ or ‘formal’ negation, that is, from a view of negation as a contradictory forming operator. In contrast, I argue that dialectical determinate negation involves a view of negation as a contradictory forming operator, and can therefore count as formal negation in every respect. However, as it is clear in contemporary glutty semantics of negation, one may distinguish between different accounts of the relationship between negation, contradiction and content. (...)
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  25. Gender-Based Administrative Violence as Colonial Strategy.Elena Ruíz & Nora Berenstain - 2018 - Philosophical Topics 46 (2):209-227.
    There is a growing trend across North America of women being criminalized for their pregnancy outcomes. Rather than being a series of aberrations resulting from institutional failures, we argue that this trend is part of a colonial strategy of administrative violence aimed at women of color and Native women across Turtle Island. We consider a range of medical and legal practices constituting gender-based administrative violence, and we argue that they are the result of non-accidental and systematic production of population-level harms (...)
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    Mind, brain, and teaching: Some directions for future research.Elena Pasquinelli, Tiziana Zalla, Katarina Gvodzic, Cassandra Potier-Watkins & Manuela Piazza - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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  27. Argumentation, R. Pavilionis's meaning continuum and The Kitchen debate.Elena Lisanyuk - 2015 - Problemos 88:95.
    In this paper, I propose a logical-cognitive approach to argumentation and advocate an idea that argumentation presupposes that intelligent agents engaged in it are cognitively diverse. My approach to argumentation allows drawing distinctions between justification, conviction and persuasion as its different kinds. In justification agents seek to verify weak or strong coherency of an agent’s position in a dialogue. In conviction they argue to modify their partner’s position by means of demonstrating weak or strong cogency of their positions before a (...)
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    Predatory Monetisation? A Categorisation of Unfair, Misleading and Aggressive Monetisation Techniques in Digital Games from the Player Perspective.Elena Petrovskaya & David Zendle - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):1065-1081.
    Technological shifts within the video game industry have enabled many games to evolve into platforms for repeated expenditure, rather than a one-time purchase product. Monetising a game as a service is challenging, and there is concern that some monetisation strategies may constitute unfair or exploitative practices which are not adequately covered by existing law. We asked 1104 players of video games to describe a time when they had been exposed to transactions which were perceived to be misleading, aggressive or unfair. (...)
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    Konstantin N. Leontiev and Lev N. Tolstoy: A “Failed Creative Dialogue”.Elena V. Besschetnova - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (5):405-416.
    This article examines Konstantin N. Leontiev’s critique of the religious preaching of Lev N. Tolstoy. We analyze the philosopher’s main articles devoted to the great writer, noting that, despite Le...
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    The Ethical Environment of Russian Business.Elena Shklyarik - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (4):911-924.
    In 1995, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Society for Engineering Education receiveda grant from the National Science Foundation to undertake a project aimed both at assisting Russian philosophers in developingcurriculum on engineering ethics and learning how context affects the teaching of engineering ethics. The project began with threeRussian philosophers visiting the U.S. to observe how we teach engineering ethics. The American members of the project then madethree visits to Russia to be part of three (...)
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    When Living and Working Well Together in Organizations Changes Into Good Social Coexistence: The Talent Club Case.Marta Elena, Marzana Daniela, Aresi Giovanni & Pozzi Maura - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):266-283.
    In our contemporary age, where a combination of individualism and mutual distrust is unhappily common among people and society is “liquid” and disoriented, so-called intermediate units are a precious resource that promotes positive coexistence within organizations and in local communities, too. The present contribution describes an example of such an intermediate unit, the Talent Club, located in a peripheral neighborhood of a metropolitan area in northern Italy. This case study shows the development of positive living and working together in organizations (...)
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    Ethical Problems of Digitization and Robotization in Medicine.Elena V. Vvedenskaya - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):104-122.
    The article discusses the ethical problems that arise when implementing the processes of digitization and robotization in medicine, and focuses on the relationship between the doctor and the patient. The purpose of this article is to identify the limits of the transformative impact of these processes on the medical profession. The possibilities and disadvantages of telemedicine are considered, and the role of artificial intelligence in modern medical practice is analyzed. A comparative characteristic of the traditional paternalistic model of the doctor’s (...)
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    The Values of Biodiversity. An Introduction.Elena Casetta - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 59:3-13.
    In questo contributo di introduzione al volume “Biodiversity” (Rivista di Estetica n. 59, 2015), dopo aver sottolineato il legame tra la realizzazione degli inventari biologici (le tassonomie) e lo studio della biodiversità, e la difficoltà di definire la biodiversità, prendo in esame tre diversi modi di intendere il valore della biodiversità. Oltre al valore etico ed estetico, oggetto rispettivamente di discipline relativamente recenti come l’etica ambientale e l’estetica ambientale, la biodiversità ha un valore economico, presente soprattutto nel cosiddetto approccio dei (...)
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    Embodied Motherhood: Women’s Feelings about Their Postpartum Bodies.Elena Neiterman & Bonnie Fox - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):670-693.
    Based on in-depth interviews, this article examines a sample of 48 Canadian women’s feelings about their changed postpartum bodies, their sense of self, and the factors that affect both. Our findings suggest that understanding women’s postpartum feelings requires contextualizing them in the work of infant care and women’s life circumstances, as well as ideologies about mothering and feminine appearance. Motherhood afforded the women in this study a new appreciation of their bodies, and a positive embodied sense of themselves, but only (...)
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    Virtues of Greatness in the Arabic Tradition.Sophia Vasalou - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Sophia Vasalou investigates the 'virtues of greatness' in the Islamic world. Examining the virtue of magnanimity in ancient philosophical ethics and the 'greatness of spirit' in the Arabic tradition, she traces the genealogy of these ideals, explores the influences that shaped them, and highlights the contemporary relevance of these ideals.
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    Die Ontologie in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Elena Ficara - 2006 - Königshausen&Neumann.
    The book is an analysis of Kant’s uses and definitions of the three concepts ‘transcendental philosophy’, ‘ontology’ and ‘logic’. It first focuses on Kant’s definitions of ‘transcendental’ in the Critique of Pure Reason, where the term is used for the very first time with a programmatic meaning, as the qualification of Kant’s specific philosophical standpoint. Secondly, it reconstructs Kant’s position towards metaphysics and ontology in his pre-critical and critical writings, as well as its premises in the Leibnizian and Wolffian metaphysics. (...)
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    the semantics of gradability, vagueness and scale structure.Elena Castroviejo, Louise McNally & Galit W. Sassoon - 2018 - Springer.
    This volume is the first to focus specifically on experimental studies of the semantics of gradability, scale structure and vagueness. It presents support for and challenges to current formal analyses of these phenomena in view of experimentally collected data, highlighting the ways semantic and pragmatic theory can benefit from experimental methodologies. The papers in the volume contribute to an explicit and detailed account of the use, representation, and online processing of gradable and vague expressions using various kinds of controlled speaker (...)
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    Hegel, Beall, and the logic of Vereinigung.Elena Ficara - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-13.
    In 2023, Beall and Ficara present what they call Hegelian conjunctions. A Hegelian conjunction is a true conjunction of contradictory opposites in which the conjuncts, separately taken, are untrue and for which simplification fails. The analysis in Beall & Ficara History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2) 119-131, 2023 is important for various reasons. First, for overcoming the deleterious state of estrangement between two ways of conceiving and practicing logic, the “dialectical” or “continental” and the “analytical” one. Second, for strengthening (...)
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  39. Why Protagoras Gets Paid Anyway: a Practical Solution of the Paradox of Court.Elena Lisanyuk - 2017 - ΣΧΟΛΗ 11 (1):63-79.
    The famous dispute between Protagoras and Euathlus concerning Protagoras’s tuition fee reportedly owed to him by Euathlus is solved on the basis of practical argumentation concerning actions. The dispute is widely viewed as a kind of a logical paradox, and I show that such treating arises due to the double confusion in the dispute narrative. The linguistic expressions used to refer to Protagoras’s, Euathlus’s and the jurors’ actions are confused with these actions themselves. The other confusion is the collision between (...)
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  40. Innovation and Cumulative Culture through Tweaks and Leaps in Online Programming Contests.Elena Miu, Ned Gulley, Kevin Laland, Rendell N. & Luke - 2018 - 2018:1–8.
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    "Vivir en medio del hielo". Resistencia y escepticismo en "El Anticristo”.Elena Nájera Pérez - 2018 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 51:283-303.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo reconstruir la ética de la resistencia que Nietzsche propone en _El Anticristo _partiendo de la imagen que se ofrece en el prólogo a modo de declaración de intenciones: “preferible _vivir en medio del hielo_”. Dicha ética le exige al individuo la superación de la psicología de la convicción o de la fe y recurre, como método, a la Filología entendida como “_ephexis _en la interpretación”. La apropiación nietzscheana de ese término procedente del pirronismo obliga (...)
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    The free lateral arm flap—a reliable option for reconstruction of the forearm and hand.M. Sauerbier, G. Germann, G. A. Giessler, M. Sedigh Salakdeh & M. Döll - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 163-171.
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    Die Begrundung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus.Elena Ficara - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2:351-353.
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    Rhetoric of Technical Articles.Elena A. Koltsova - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (4):51-59.
    The current discussion within the framework of applied epistemology and interdisciplinary field opens up the possibilities for a linguistic approach. The paper presents the instance of linguistic analysis of technical scientific discourse. The empirical data includes the texts from mining and mineral processing sphere. The analysis focuses on the rhetorical devices, the manifestation of subjective, authorial identity and the interaction between the author/subject and the prospective addressee. The credibility of the obtained results is established through the comparison of English and (...)
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    Curious Choices: Infants' moment-to-moment information sampling is driven by their exploration history.Elena C. Altmann, Marina Bazhydai & Gert Westermann - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105976.
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    Extension and division: the ontological status of quantity in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.Elena Băltuță & Yael Kedar - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):223-228.
    1. Imagine that all our beliefs are organized as a web. Let us also imagine that there is a hierarchy among our beliefs. The stronger beliefs, located closer to the centre of the web, underpin the...
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    Roger Bacon’s indirect realism of quantity perception.Elena Băltuță - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):374-390.
    My goal in this paper is to contribute to the literature on Roger Bacon's epistemology by focusing on the issue of perception of quantity. The reading I aim to substantiate is that Bacon's account is best understood in terms of indirect realism. I call it indirect realism because although we have access to quantities as they exist in nature, the account is mediated by the use of a quasi-syllogism. The quasi-syllogism is constructed based on three inputs, the species of the (...)
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  48. RedPill®.Elena Casetta & Achille C. Varzi - 2004 - In Massimiliano Cappuccio, Dentro la matrice. Filosofia, scienza e spiritualità in Matrix. Alboversorio. pp. 29–35.
    The red pill or the blue pill? Obviously the red. But are we sure it will work the way it is supposed to? Are we sure it will take us out of the Matrix? We are proud to announce that we have found a document that will throw some new light (and a renewed cloud of suspicion) on this matter: the product packaging of RedPill®, complete with all directions for use and warnings against side-effects.
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    Osmospheric Dwelling. Smell, Food, Gender and Atmospheres.Elena Mancioppi - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):38-53.
    Understanding the tight connections between human dwelling and the sense of smell seems nowadays urgent. Since human being-in-the-world finds its very prerequisite in being-in-the-air, an inquiry on air design, today particularly intrusive, is a philosophical necessity. The aim of this contribution is to sketch an exploratory investigation on the aesthetic relationships between space, smell and gendered atmospheres through the case of food, specifically through its osmosphere: its flavour as its affective aura. Firstly, I discuss analogies between atmospheres and smells. Secondly, (...)
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    Sustainability in the Professional Practice of an Engineer.Elena Gabriela Cabral Velázquez, José Luis Castro González & Luis Alberto Mejía-Manzano - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1090-1097.
    To meet modern society's demands, highly qualified professionals are driving the reformulation of the teaching-learning model in universities. The framework of the Tec21, the Educative Model of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, provides the focus over the training programs on the relationship between the student and the environment for the development of personal and professional competencies through the resolution of challenges linked to real-world scenarios. In this work, we present information about a challenging experiential activity for students with an undergraduate professional (...)
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